viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Topic: Ernest Hemingway

  I agree with Ernest Hemingway that having heroes is necessary. For the young heroes can show direction and provide examples for how life can be and the opportunities that are available for those who try. For the older person heroes can provide different options.

  As one gets older illusions in life are replaced with hard realities. For example how can one cope with illness, the loss of close friends, and the many other problems that occur. Heroes for these people can give hope and courage.

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014


   I agree quite strongly with Hemingway that age brings increasing difficulty in finding heroes, but that one still needs them. As skepticism increases, the number of people one can admire or hope to emulate decreases.     

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014


The most important: agree or disagree

    Most students have had some type of difficulty in one course or another. Difficulties stem from various sources, such as teacher-student conflicts or lack of interest in the subject field. In an essay to be read by an audience of educated adults, identify one class in which you faced a difficulty either as a student or as a teacher, describe the difficulty, and explain how you handled the situation.

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

The best composition:

The writer clearly presents a central idea and/or point of view and maintains focus on that topic; the response is well reasoned.

Ideas or points of discussion are logically arranged, and their meaning is clearly communicated.

Generalizations and assertions are well supported with relevant, specific, and detailed development.

Choice of words is precise; usage is careful and accurate.

The writer composes sentences of syntactic complexity and variety and constructs coherent paragraphs, although the response may contain minor flaws in mechanical conventions.

The response completely addresses the topic and uses language and style appropriate for the given audience and purpose.

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2014


Important Points:
I.                    Tthe clarity with which the central idea or point of view is stated and maintained; the coherence of the discussion and the quality of the writer's ideas.

II.                 Organization: the clarity of the writing and the logical sequence of the writer's ideas.

III.               Support and Development: the relevance, depth, and specificity of supporting information.

IV.              Usage: the extent to which the writing shows care and precision in word choice.

V.                 Structure and Conventions: the extent to which the writing is free of errors in syntax, paragraph structure, sentence structure, and mechanics (e.g., spelling, punctuation, capitalization)

VI.              Appropriateness: the extent to which the writer addresses the topic and uses language and style appropriate to the given audience and purpose.